Implant-Retained Dentures

Enjoy a Fuller, Healthier Smile

What are implant-retained dentures?

Implant retained dentures are a removable denture that Dentas creates that is designed to fit an existing implant that has been surgically imbedded by your dental surgeon. This can be for one or more missing teeth. Our dental prosthetists can provide you with custom teeth made of acrylic or porcelain, which then attach to the ball or bar implant base.

If your dentist has advised you are a good candidate for implants, you can ask the team at Dentas Bellerive Denture Clinic to create the prosthesis for you which can then be fitted by your dentist.

Implant Retained Dentures:

  • Can improve your appearance and bite
  • May improve your speech if speech is currently affected by missing teeth
  • Secures and stabilises lower denture
  • Assist in retaining jaw structure and shape
  • Reduce bone loss and gum recession
  • Are easy to clean 

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